Foundation Program Level 2 (Elementary 1 Weeks 9-16 OR Elementary 2) takes students from A2.2 Basic User (CEFR) to B1 Independent User (CEFR). It is a pre-requisite for Pre-Intermediate 1 or entry into CCQ Arabic track programs.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following at the appropriate CEFR level:
• Identify main ideas, key information, details and sequence of events in simple written texts.
• Recognize relationship between ideas, guess meaning from context, and make predictions in a simple written text.
• Follow short instructions on equipment encountered in everyday life.
• Write a paragraph with a variety of sentences about a familiar topic.
• Inform others, in an email or short paragraph, about everyday issues related to work or study.
• Write a paragraph with basic description of events, past activities, or personal experiences.
• Construct a paragraph that describes a process..
• Write an opinion paragraph that expresses how the writer feels about a particular issue with which they are familiar.
• Distinguish between main ideas and supporting details and examples contained in short audio and video clips.
• Follow the general meaning from the context in short audio or video.
• Listen for and follow instructions and directions that are explained slowly and clearly.
• Can give reasons and explanations for opinions, with supporting details and examples in relation to a familiar topic.
• Make and reply to polite requests, such as borrowing from or lending something to a colleague/classmate.
• Use appropriate questions during a conversation to ensure that they are being understood.
• Describe past events and discuss how these events affected their lives.
• Describe future goals and plans and discuss how they plan to meet said goals.