English Language Center (ELC)

Foundation English Level 3 (Pre-intermediate 1 Weeks 1-8) takes students from B1 Independent User (CEFR) to low B2.1 Threshold level (CEFR).

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following at the appropriate CEFR level:

• Derive the meaning of occasional unknown words using context clues and available resources (such as dictionaries).
• Identify main ideas and significant points of arguments and opinions in articles, reports and factual texts
• Predict the topic and important ideas of longer texts from titles, headings, images, and key sentences.
• Recognize cause-effect, compare-contrast, and other relationships between ideas in texts.

• Write a narrative essay describing personal experiences, feelings and reactions.
• Describe and analyze a variety of topics using reasons and examples.
• Write a cause-effect essay analyzing the reasons and results of a situation or event.

• Interpret and follow the main points of narratives, lectures, conversations, and broadcasts on a variety of topics delivered in clear speech.
• Identify important details such as amounts, examples, and supporting ideas of lectures, conversations, and broadcasts on a variety of topics delivered in clear speech.

• Infer meaning and attitude in speech that is delivered naturally and clearly.
• Follow instructions in clear speech.

• Give short, prepared presentations on familiar topics in which the main points are explained with reasonable detail.

• Initiate and maintain conversations and discussions on familiar topics.

• Express personal opinions, agreement, and disagreement supported with reasons and examples in conversations and group discussions.

• Describe events and experiences, conveying feelings and reactions.


Level 3

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