Foundation Program Level 4 (Pre-Intermediate 1 Weeks 9-16 OR Pre-Intermediate 2) takes students from low B2.1 Threshold level to high B2.1 Threshold level (CEFR). It is a pre-requisite for entry into CCQ Arabic track programs.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following at the appropriate CEFR level:
• Derive the meaning of occasional unknown words using contextual clues and available resources (such as dictionaries).
• Identify main ideas and significant points of arguments and opinions in articles, reports and factual texts.
• Recognize cause-effect, compare-contrast, and other relationships between ideas in texts.
• Follow a chronological sequence of important events in stories and narrative texts.
• Scan texts to locate information, such as names, numbers and dates.
• Write a narrative essay describing personal experiences, feelings and reactions.
• Describe and analyze a variety of topics using reasons and examples.
• Write a cause-effect essay analyzing the reasons and results of a situation or event.
• Write an argumentative essay describing and evaluating opinions, advantages, disadvantages, and counterarguments.
• Summarize simple texts effectively on familiar topics and write a personal reaction to them.
• Interpret and follow the main points of narratives, lectures, conversations, and broadcasts on a variety of topics delivered in clear speech.
• Identify important details such as amounts, examples, and supporting ideas of lectures, conversations, and broadcasts on a variety of topics delivered in clear speech.
• Infer meaning and attitude in speech that is delivered naturally and clearly.
• Follow instructions in clear speech.
• Give short, prepared presentations on familiar topics in which the main points are explained with reasonable detail.
• Initiate and maintain conversations and discussions on familiar topics.
• Express personal opinions, agreement, and disagreement supported with reasons and examples.
• Describe events and experiences, conveying feelings and reactions.