Foundation Program (FP)


Foundation Program Unit​​
The Foundation Program Unit at CCQ is part of the Foundation Program & Foreign Languages Division which has the following mission:

Mission Statement
The mission of the Foundation Program & Foreign Languages Division is to prepare students of the Qatari Community for academic and professional success by offering a variety of learner-centered language courses and fostering a high-quality, innovative, and distinctive learning environment.

The Community College of Qatar English Language Center (now Foundation Program) is accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) for the period April 2020 through April 2025 and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. For further information about this accreditation, please contact CEA, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 630, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 665-3400,


The Foundation Program cover four levels of English language instruction which are taught across 4 courses. These courses are Elementary 1 (Levels 1 & 2) and Pre-Intermediate 1 (Levels 3 & 4). These are Elementary 2 (Level 2) and Pre-Intermediate 2 (Level 4). Course durations, days per week, and hours per day are shown in the table below.   


CourseDurationDays per week Hours per week
Elementary 1 (former levels 1 & 2)            16 weeks4 (full-time)20
Elementary 2 (former level 2)                  16 weeks2 (part-time)10
Pre-Intermediate 1 (former levels 3 & 4)16 weeks4 (full-time)20
Pre-Intermediate 2 (former level 4)16 weeks2 (part-time)10


Tea​ching approach

Teaching follows an integrated approach in teaching the four basic skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. It focuses on both fluency and accuracy, in a dynamic, nurturing, student-centered environment. In addition to classroom instruction, students work independently on a variety of tasks and projects. The courses also make extensive use of audio-visual aids to give students better opportunities to interact with the language.

Admission and Progression

Students enter the Program on one of the 4 courses depending on their score in the Accuplacer test delivered by the CCQ Testing Center or equivalent (consult the Testing Center for more details). Students move to the college level on completion of Elementary 1 or 2 (Arabic track) or Pre-intermediate 1 or 2 (English track).

Further Information

For further information and inquiries about the Foundation Program, please feel free to send an email to:

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