

The Community College of Qatar (CCQ) complies with intellectual property laws, including Law No. (7) of 2002 of the State of Qatar, which protects authors' copyrights and related neighboring right. As well as all current copyright license agreements to which the college is a signatory. All CCQ members, including faculty, students, staff, and library patrons, are required to adhere to these laws and regulations in addition to CCQ's library policy.

The law applies to all resources in various formats, including both printed and electronic materials. The following guidelines outline the rules governing the use of the library resources:


Use of Materials from the Library Collections

It is the responsibility of each library patron to ensure that their use of materials found in or received from the library complies with the relevant intellectual property laws, including those concerning authors' copyrights and related neighboring rights.

  • Patrons are expected to act in accordance with the copyright laws of the country in which they are using copyrighted materials, ensuring that their use of library resources adheres to the provisions of these laws.

    Use of Non-Printed / Electronic Resources

    The use of all non-printed or electronic resources is governed by Article (21) of Law No. (7) of 2002 of the State of Qatar.
  • Access to these resources must occur through designated classroom settings, library workstations, the college network, or via licensed databases requiring account and password authentication.

    Copies of the Resources for Patrons:

    The library may make analog or digital reproductions of specific resources for CCQ library patrons, in accordance with Article (21) of Law No. (7) of 2002 of the State of Qatar. The following conditions apply:
  • A patron may receive a single copy of a resource.
  • The copy may only be used for study, scholarship, or research purposes.
  • The name of the author and the title of the work must be provided on all copies, whenever possible.
  • Copies are generally limited to a published article, a summary, or an excerpt of a work.
  • Repeat requests for the same work must be made on separate, unrelated occasions.
  • Photocopying is limited to one chapter from a book or separate parts of a book, provided that the reproduced pages do not exceed 10% of the total book.

     Copies of the Resources for Preservation & Replacement

    The library may make analog or digital image reproductions of specific works for preservation and replacement of works in the collection consistent with Article 21, in Law No. (7) of the state of Qatar. Requirements include:
  • A single copy of the work may be reproduced by a library for non-profit usage.
  • For the purposes outlined in the statute if a copy cannot be reasonably obtained.
  • For the purpose of preserving a work that is in the library collection.
  • For the purpose of replacing a work in the collection of another library or archive, if the work in that other collection is lost, destroyed, or rendered unusable.

    Any individual who makes unauthorized copies of any resource, whether in analog or digital format, or who misuses library materials, will be in violation of the law and related rights, and may face penalties as specified in the legislation.

    For more information on Law No. (7) of 2002 regarding the Protection of Copyright and Neighboring Rights, please visit the Almeezan website. [ Link]



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