
​Class Withdrawals
Students can drop a course during the drop period announced in the academic calendar on CCQ website. It is the student's responsibility to withdraw from his/her classes. The drop period is outlined in the College Academic Calendar as follows:
- Withdrawal without indication in the transcript: the course will be dropped without trace in the academic record
- Withdrawal indicated in the transcript: the students will receive a grade of "W" after the drop date deadline (without penalties) but must adhere to the minimum academic load policy.

If students do not drop before the withdrawal date as indicated in the academic calendar, they will receive a grade of 'F'. Drop /Fee policy is applied to all types of drops after the end of the add/drop period.
For more information, please visit the Fees and Charges page.

Total Withdrawal
If a student wishes to withdraw from all the courses, s/he needs to communicate with the Enrollment Management Section via email:
Please note that the total withdrawal policy is applied as follows:

Withdrawal from the Semester

Academic Procedure


Fees and Charges

First total withdrawal: None
Second total withdrawal: 5,000 QAR for re-enrollment
Third total withdrawal: Suspend student for one semester + 5,000 QAR for re-enrollment
Fees and charges apply in all of the above cases upon re-enrolling in classes.

Re-enrollment Request

A student is allowed to postpone study for three consecutive semesters (excluding summer semester).
If the student exceeds the three consecutive semesters, s/he is considered to be dropped out of study and should pay a re-enrollment fees of 5,000 QAR in addition to submitting a re-enrollment request.

Final Withdrawal Request

A student who wishes to withdraw from CCQ must fill out a Withdrawal Request form and then send it to the Enrollment Management Section via email
CCQ shall apply the final withdrawal policy as follows:

Final Withdrawal Request

Academic Procedure

Suspension of student’s account

Fees and Charges

A re-enrollment fee will apply if the student wishes to re-enroll in dropped courses in a subsequent semester.

Re-enrollment Request

The student is required to submit the re-enrollment request when s/he receives a notification that registration is open at his CCQ email.

Course Postponement

The student is allowed to postpone study for a period not exceeding three consecutive semesters (excluding the summer semester).
- If the student exceeds the three allowed semesters, he/she is considered suspended and must apply for re-enrollment.
- In the event of total withdrawal or stopping college studies without an acceptable excuse – according to the regulations and policies of the Student Affairs Division, relevant fees will be charged in accordance with the college fees and charges policy.

For more information about the fee policy and how to pay, visit the Fees and Charges page.

Withdrawal and Postponement

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