The GPA represents the student's overall performance in all the courses that the student has studied since joining the Community College. It also represents the student's grades gained from these core courses (the Foundation Program courses are not calculated).
A symbol is given to each grade which is calculated in the total cumulative average for the student, as shown in the table below.
Grade Symbol |
Description |
Percentage |
Grade Points |
A | Excellent | 90 to 100 | 4 |
B+ | Very Good (High) | 85 to < 90 | 3.5 |
B | Very Good | 80 to < 85 | 3 |
C+ | Good | 75 to < 80 | 2.5 |
C | Satisfactory | 70 to < 75 | 2 |
D+ | Pass | 65 to < 70 | 1.5 |
D | Passing but not Transferable | 60 to < 65 | 1 |
F | Fail | Less than 60 | 0 |
FA | Fail Due to Absence | | 0 |
FB | Fail Due to Final Exam Absence | | 0.00 |
I | Incomplete | | |
T | Transfer Credit | | |
W | Withdrawn | | |
WA | Withdrawal due to Absence | | |
WF | Withdrawal Failing | | |
AU | Audit | | |
FW | Forced Withdrawal | | |
P | Pass ( not calculated in GPA) | | |
CC | Continuing Course (not calculated in GPA) | | |