Student Affairs & Relations Section

​​​​​​The GPA represents the student's overall performance in all the courses that the student has studied since joining the Community College. It also represents the student's grades gained from these core courses (the Foundation Program courses are not calculated).

A symbol is given to each grade which is calculated in the total cumulative average for the student, as shown in the table below.

Grade Symbol Description Percentage Grade Points
AExcellent90 to 1004
B+Very Good (High)85 to < 903.5
BVery Good80 to < 853
C+Good75 to < 802.5
CSatisfactory70 to < 752
D+Pass65 to < 701.5
DPassing but not Transferable60 to < 651
FFailLess than 600
FAFail Due to Absence0
FBFail Due to Final Exam Absence0.00
TTransfer Credit
WAWithdrawal due to Absence
WFWithdrawal Failing  
FWForced Withdrawal
PPass ( not calculated in GPA)  
CCContinuing Course (not calculated in GPA)  

Grade Symbols/Points

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